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Writer's pictureAngela Pearson

Mainstream hair care products and breast cancer - What you need to know

We already know that using natural beauty products, like Soleil Essentials, is a better option than chemically-laden products for overall health, but did you know that just like your skincare products, your hair care products could be causing health problems too?

Because hair care products are absorbed into the body like any other product you’d apply to your skin, hair care products that contain harmful chemicals could be hurting our bodies as well. In a recent study, researchers found that hair care products used mainly by African American women contain numerous chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer, hormone irregularities, and asthma.

Leading the pack are parabens and phthalates which are known endocrine disruptors that disturb the body’s hormone balance. Continuous exposure to phthalates can cause early puberty and preterm births. In this study, researchers also found nonylphenol, a compound associated with obesity, and an increased risk of breast cancer, in 30 percent of the hair products tested.

More recently, a 2016 study showed black women have higher concentrations of chemicals in their bodies than women of any other ethnicity. African American women are at greater risk than white or Hispanic women to be affected by hormonal diseases that are associated with hormonal disrupting chemicals.

Soleil Essentials’ products are plant-based products that do not contain harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates or phthalates. We use the highest quality all-natural ingredients to promote overall health and healing.

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